Monday, June 9, 2008

Wow! I am finding it easier to create in an air-conditioned room. At first, I thought I'd go with a tried and true tool, and use my .mac account to create a blog, but it was not working in class. So, now, in the comfort of my little home, with my little doggie by my side, I am ready to tackle tonight's challenge. I may move a little slower than some, but I get it in the long run.

I know the article about cognitive load is for our meeting on Thursday, but tonight I was living the load. Too much in too little time for this overloaded brain, coupled with the heat in that room of ours! Anyway, I think I'll be able to catch up in the very near future.



Spicher113 said...

I like the picture you used for your first blob post. Great beach!

Scott Mooney said...

There is no too fast or too slow so please don't worry about that. Remember what I tried to stress the most on Monday night - we are a community. Have questions? Need help? There are plenty of folks to lend a hand.

And I am sure your little doggie will love to search for help for you. :)

I love the header pic too. You may wish to crop it a bit after looking at it for a while but for your first day it is wonderful to see you with a pic up and a post already made.



BloggieDoggie said...

Hi Scott,
I am trying to work with cropping a photo. Not as easy to do in bloggerspot, I think. I'll keep trying.